The service in practice

A service mode
Analysis algorithms (ASEEGA, MEEGAWAKE, Auto-KDT) are available as a service. You send us your data, we run the analysis and send you the results back. We can guarantee that all your data will be analyzed with the same version of the algorithm.
Data transfer follows a secure protocol.
We only process de-identified data.
Collecting your subject consent is mandatory.
To know more about the service, please contact us.

Registering to the service: contact us
Technical expertise to check the compatibility of your data on 1 or 2 recordings.
Make sure to start this discussion ideally during or before the study set up, before acquisitions start, to define the adequate set up and record compatible data
- Upload of your data on your account on our secure server
- Technical quality check of all incoming data
- If needed, feedback on the data quality if we notice that it changes
- Quality check of the results
- Upload of results on your account
- Presentation and comment of your results
- If needed, support on the exploitation of results: extraction of relevant results, description of the method for publication purposes

The price of a study covers
a flat fee for the study set up and follow up
a price per analysis: the price depends on the analysis package
a specific price for additonal work: qualification of recording enviromnent and systems, development of specific scripts for result extraction
Contact us for a quote. Make sure to contact us when you write your application for a grant to include the budget that is needed to an optimal exploitation of your data and results

Input data
Compatible formats
ASEEGA® reads the edf data format. All manufacturers now provide the option of exporting their data in the edf format. This guarantees maximum accessibility and compatibility.
Do you use edf, ebm, xml, dat, vmrk formats ? Would you like to know whether your data format is compatible with the use of the Physip service? contact us for a feasibility assessment.
Data quality
The quality of the input data is essential to ensuring high quality output data.
Data quality is critical at several different stages:
- Placement of the EEG electrodes
EEG signals are fragile and can be contaminated by other, more powerful environmental signals if contact between the electrode and the patient is not sufficient.
- Recording environment
There is a wide range of magnetic interference from other devices, both in the laboratory and in the home: screens, neon lighting, electrical devices, etc. Physip provides expertise to research laboratories and specialist services with respect to the electromagnetic acquisition environment. Please contact us for more information
Sampling frequency and amplitude resolution are key parameters determining the precision of the information recorded by the equipment.
If it is possible to configure the device, we suggest trying to use the values indicated below or values as close to these as possible:
Hz or greater
Sampling frequency : 200 Hz or greater
µV/bit or less
Amplitude resolution: 0.5 µV/bit or less
Recording filtering
Software filters
Visualization filters
Powerline (50 Hz- 60Hz) filter: activated
High-pass filter inferior to 0.5Hz
Low-pass filter greater than 85 Hz
no software filtering
Warning, on certain devices, the visualization filters are integrated into the data when the data are exported. If a 30 Hz low-pass filter is applied in order to make the reading easier, the data converted into edf format are likely to be cut at the height of the filter, and all the information contained above this will be lost. It is important to ensure that all visualization filters are removed before exporting the data.

Output data – Results
Detailed sleep analyses results
ASEEGA results are available in 3 analysis modules to meet the needs of different types of sleep studies.
Result files
Results are presented in :
- one detailed result file per recording
- a series of overview documents summarizing all analyses and results
Results are available in different formats:
- Default formats :
- Matlab
- xls
- In some cases, the hypnogram can be formatted to meet the requirement of the recording software and be imported into the software. contact us for more details.
EEG Multi Channel Features

Artefact detection

2-state (wake/sleep) scoring

2-state (wake/sleep) sleep parameters

Spectral analysis

5-state scoring (AASM classification)

5-state sleep parameters

Arousal detection

Advanced spectral analysis

Spindle detection

Spindle characteristics

Slow wave detection

Slow wave characteristics

Arousal characteristics

Alpha activity detection

Alpha burst characteristics

For a more in-depth description of the proposed analyses, please contact us

Frequently Asked Questions
Are the results reviewed?
The analysis results are subject to a strict quality control process, but they are not reviewed by a doctor. The use and the interpretation of the results remain entirely the responsibility of the user.
What scoring rules are used by ASEEGA® ?
ASEEGA® uses classification recommended by the AASM, using 5 different stages, 4 sleep stages and wake. The sleep onset definition, which is necessary to calculate many sleep parameters, follows the AASM rule. Other classifications and sleep onset definitions are available on demand.
How should I configure my device to ensure that the recorded EEG data can be analysed by ASEEGA® ?
You must find the menu allowing configurations to be performed prior to the recording, and the CzPz channel must be configured to correspond with the criteria. Please do not hesitate to contact us to find out more information about how to perform this configuration.
Are there any exclusion criteria for the traces?
The traces must comply with the ASEEGA®, specifications, in terms of duration, sampling frequency, amplitude resolution and bandwidth. For more details regarding the specifications for the recordings and the continuation of the polysomnographs and polygraphs, see here.

Want to collaborate?

Physip S.A
6 rue Gobert – 75011 Paris
+33 (0)1 42 17 00 10
Copyright 2024 Physip.